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<p ns="0" title="Pascal" snippet="...ode&gt;, and related constructs. It is a [[structured programming]] language, <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> that the flow of control is structured into standard statements, ideally wi " size="6414" wordcount="945" timestamp="2007-06-11T00:18:41Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Math" snippet="[01:49:10] &lt;Hikaru79&gt; I was <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> to ask about that. But now I get it. " size="14164" wordcount="1441" timestamp="2007-06-11T14:35:19Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Brainfuck" snippet="!align=&quot;left&quot; |<span class='searchmatch'>Meaning</span> " size="21380" wordcount="3228" timestamp="2007-12-11T05:09:16Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Turing Style Guideline" snippet="Unless they have some obvious mathematical <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span>, very short names should not be used. " size="11257" wordcount="1698" timestamp="2008-10-11T14:36:52Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Decisions, decisions (Ruby tutorial)" snippet=" could determine if the string is empty for us, in a way that lends more <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> than what we're currently using? " size="8958" wordcount="1456" timestamp="2008-10-11T06:44:27Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Turing File IO" snippet="eof is a command (<span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> end-of-file) that calls a function that returns a boolean. If it is true, t " size="8906" wordcount="1639" timestamp="2008-10-11T19:53:28Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Java Big Integers" snippet="(From Immutable: &quot;Incapable of changing or being modified&quot;, <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> the precision cannot be changed (any one else have a better.. desc?) " size="6740" wordcount="976" timestamp="2010-02-22T09:39:40Z" />
<p ns="0" title="The Start: Introduction, Comments, Output, Variables, Input (Turing)" snippet=":That you may see the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of within. " size="16904" wordcount="2633" timestamp="2008-10-12T18:37:08Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Turing Records and Types" snippet="...irstName'''. Placing the index after ''FirstName'' has a totally different <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span>. ...d you that placing the index of the array behind the field has a different <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span>, basically it means now there is an array of ''FirstName''. If we created o " size="11230" wordcount="1858" timestamp="2008-10-12T21:12:58Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Window closes instantly" snippet="...rogram will not complete until the user actually does input ''something'', <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> that in the meantime the console window remains open. " size="1201" wordcount="198" timestamp="2008-10-18T00:28:18Z" />
<search sroffset="10" />