CompSci Server

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In July 2007, CompSci.Ca started a switch from their old host Dreamhost, to a dedicated server, hosted at Corenetworks, it is to be responsible for all of the hosting needs of CompSci.Ca.

In <Month, 200X>, CompSci.Ca rented another server, to help with load balancing (among other things), this one is hosted at Server4You.

Shortly after the second server was added, Dan decided to name them, and on March 1st, 2009 poll was held to let the community decide what the names should be, the names chosen where Eclair and Lumiere. The name Eclair was given to the first server, (hosted at Corenetworks) and Lumiere to the newest one (hosted at Server4You). Since both of these servers are hosted in data centres in the US, they fall partly under the DMCA.

Together they are responsible for the hosting all of CompSci.Ca's websites, and services.


The Servers


Where is it

Eclair is hosted in CoreNetworks' data centre, located in East Lansing, Michigan.

What is does

Eclair is the 'master' server, and contains the main forum, blog, wiki, mail hosting, user hosting, and anything else related to CompSci.Ca. It is also the host for the Dwite programming contest, user projects, and SVN repositories. In addition to the normal services hosted, it hosts an IRC server, that is linked to the AfterNET network, and a DNS server.

IP Info

Eclair has two IP addresses assigned to it:

  • - All things other then the core domain and service. Like dwite, basieproject, and the IRC server.
  • - The core CompSci.Ca parts, the main forum, sub domains and user hosting, as well as

Server Stats


A status page was setup on Twitter, to show the status of the server.


Where is it

Lumiere is hosted in Server4You's data centre, located in St. Louis, Missouri.

What it does

Lumiere is the 'slave' server, and has similar function as Eclair. It is meant to be a load balancer for the forum, and be a backup mail and, DNS server. It also contains non-CompSci.Ca related sites. This server also has an IRC server linked to AfterNET.

IP Info

It is unknown (to those other then the admins) if Lumiere has multiple IP addresses, but the IP address that is known is:

  • - It serves all things hosted on this server(?).

Server Stats

  • AMD Athlon XP 2000+ Processor
  • 1GB RAM
  • 2 80GB Hard Drives (Verification needed)
  • 100Mbps connectivity
  • 1,000GB Monthly Transfer
  • Remote Power control
  • Gentoo OS
  • 1 static (unique) IP (Verification needed)


A status page was setup on Twitter, to show the status of the server.

Services Run

CompSci.Ca's servers run various services to preform all tasks necessary, and are both setup in a similar way. A brief (and incomplete) list of them is below.