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Revision as of 01:27, 12 December 2005 by Hacker Dan (Talk | contribs)
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December 11th, 2005

Big updates are coming over the xmass beark, starting with new software installed on the server like this wiki, a blog and much more. Tho due to thess upgrades the site maybe down for some time during the beark. Hopfully everything will go over well and we will have a brand new verson to come back to in the new year.

In other news there are serveral virues going around that may slow down the site, espality realting to the mail server. The 1st one effects phpbb installs and is slowing down the site sreaching for expoites, tho this virus can not aucarly harm the site due to our scripts but it's trying could slow us down a bit. The 2nd is yet another e-mail based virus witch is overwellming our hosts mail server making all e-mail based activitys on our site dealyed up to a few hours.

--Hacker Dan 17:27, 11 December 2005 (PST)