Hacker Dan

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Who is Hacker Dan?

Hacker Dan is one of CompSci.ca administrators. Together with Tony, the admin duo keeps things in order.

Is Hacker Dan really a hacker?


History of the name

Tho there are many theroys to why Dan's name is Hacker Dan and not just Dan, only one has been give by Dan him Self. The name dose not come form him thinking him self all 1337 but was rather a nick name that was give to him and was used on the forms as almost a joke at first but as the site got bigger he did not whont to chage it due to the fact that there are serveral users named Dan and Hacker Dan looks nicer then just Dan. Also many sotrys and intresting topics had been starting realting to the name and it whould be a shame to sopile them.

The eveltion of the name when somthing like this:

Daniel -> Dan

The natrual nick name for Daniel, tho Dan objected to this for many years intill he realized that it was less to write down and toke up less memory on a computer system.

Dan -> Computer Dan

Due to the fact that he could never be found with out his Old Dell Laptop, this name started to ceatch on with thos that new him in real life. Again Dan was not so happy over this one at 1st.

Computer Dan -> Crazy Hacker Dued

Affter going on a quest to destory some one on a IRC server and a case jumping throw many chanles witch he was banned from or not peoleop started to refuring to him as this since even tho he was banned he whould still come back and keep cashing his poor vitmin intill he was wiped off the IRC server. Oddly this atack made him many ennmeys ont his server as well as a few firends who where not so happy about the guy he was chasing.

Crazy Hacker Dued -> Crazy Hacker Dan

Once peoleop started to get know Dan more from the IRC server as well as other online the dued part was droped and replaced with Dan, the crazy part was left due to the rampages he used to go on affter a user whould mass spam his sites or doing somthing they did not aragrea with. It is rummered that during thess times he could have had somthing to due with the dispreace of serveral poorly made truing forms that where trying to get ride of what was the start of CompSci.ca then know as SWAT, however none of this has ever been proven.

Crazy Hacker Dan -> Hacker Dan

Crazy Hacker Dan is just to long to type or say so it was shorten to Hacker Dan and was used in the creation of CompSci.ca so has been stuck this way since. Tho he is deftaly still crazy and is why he used to have the Crazy Admin rank intill it was replaced by pwn3d Admin for lesser know reasons.

There where some intermideait steps and going back and forth inbetween thess but this in the general evletion. Dan did not aucatly come up with any of thess and was aucatly asigested alot of them but in time it starts to cetch on and he desised to go with it.


I am one of the admistroators of CompSci.ca, i have been runing and mainting it for about 3~4 years (to lazy to look it up right now). I have been progaming for about 12~13 years now and am very intrested in computer security matters as well as metaphysics and other pilosoical matters. I am well versed in many langues and topics of computer sinces and am curtly magoring in it at Lakehead univeirsty hourns co-op progame. As you can probly see from this profile my spelling is not the best but if you have a problem with this there are many other sites on the net you can go to that will match your spelling needs.

--Hacker Dan 10:42, 12 December 2005 (PST)

Hacker Danish

The Book

Ever notic Hacker Dan's spelling? Seems a bit off? Well thats only beacuse it is not english but Hacker Danish, a mystical langue know only to a slecte few. The only documents realting to this langue know to be in existsance are the Old Dictionary of Dan and the New Dictionary of Dan. Unfornytly the Old book lost in to a dimtional rift serveral 1000 years ago. The New book is an atmented to reconsturct the old. More info can be found on Hacker Danish and the Books on the Dictionary of Dan page.

Avatars and Pics

Hacker Dan
Hacker Duck
Voodoo Dan
Voodoo Tony and Dan
Comic Dan