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Why program?

Why do we bother to write computer programs at all? Surely there must be a reason to undertake such a task. In fact, I believe there to be several.

First and weakest of these I think is our desire to simplify a task. Programming can greatly alleviate the tedium of simple, repetitive processes. I can confidently say I think this is the reason about 99% of computer programs have been written, but also that it's not a particularly strong reason why people have done so and particularly not why they continue to do so.

Existing tools do such a good (or at last competent) job of this that there is little continuing reason to program such tools from the ground up. In fact, many programming tasks amount to just slightly modifying these existing solutions.

Learning a programming language and computer system well enough to deliver a competent automation tool and then the task of actually doing it are not simple or easy. They require years of study, and any serious endeavor likely entails years of fine-tuning. A great deal of tedium can be justified in place of this expenditure of effort.

No, we cannot reasonably say that people go into computer programming just to make their lives easier. That job has been accomplished, and even had it not, the personal payoff is very rarely worth it.

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