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Who is Delos

Delos is a Moderator on and mainly frequents the Turing Forums, Off Topic, and General Discussion among others. He is known for his extensive knowledge of Turing, scrupulous moderation, and love for words of archaic origin. Delos is currently enrolled in the Honours Biology and Psychology Programme at McMaster University.

The Elegiac Mod

Delos was voted into Moderation in mid-June 2005. The exact date is now lost to the unrecorded annals of due to the frequent Roll-backs of the time. The title of Elegiac Mod is derived from the word Elegy, which is a form of poetry, though in this case is used to refer to poetry in general. Delos writes a fair bit of poetry.

Graphical Programming

Delos stormed into with the original Lens Filter programme. This soon evolved into a V2 and finally a V3. All were met with great approval by the community. This programme manipulated images, filtering them into different colour schemes. Newer versions also supported highlighting of specific colours.

Continuing his endeavours in graphics programmes (in Turing), Delos released PicMerge. This programme again gained wide notoriety due to its incorporation of a pseudo-alpha channel, before unheard of in Turing.

Both these projects incorporated Turing's native 256-colour palette and hence were severely limited in their ability to produce realistic images. Delos has plans to someday improve upon these using more advanced methods, and likely a better language like Ruby.

Candle Sparks

One of Delos' largest projects was the database system Candle Sparks. Created initially for personal use, it was released to the community amid - well, not much really. There simply was not much interest in this application, however well coded it was. The programme serves primarily as a reminder for birthdays (or other annual events). Its main component can show and sort through the existing database, as well as add, delete, or edit entries. A secondary component also exists that runs on start-up listing upcoming birthdays.

The Current Project

Delos' signature has for many months now held a counter showing his progress in what has only been named as 'Current Project'. It is unknown what the true nature of this is, though some speculate that it has to do with a revolutionary new way of rendering 4D environments in under 128kB. More likely though, it's a game made in Turing. No one knows if it will ever be released or even finished, mainly since Delos has close to no free time anymore due to his educational commitments.