Why you should learn C

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It's useful

C is as close as you will probably ever come to assembly without actually subjecting yourself to assembly. Sometimes it's necessary or at least beneficial to deal with the computer on this level.

It's everywhere

Few languages are implemented as widely as C. If you're developing a program for a large number of platforms, you can be almost guaranteed that they will have some form of C compiler.

Though many languages are technically superior to C, few can boast the same advantage.

Knowing the difference between C and C++

Someday you may be called on, as a C++ programmer, even if that is what you spend most of your time doing, to write C code. At those times, it's going to be rather difficult not to employ C++ habits. Knowing what is C and what comprises C++ will help you avoid those pitfalls. As well, it'll give you the ability to write better C code when that time comes.

Employers often have a difficult time differentiating the two languages. This is made worse because the people in charge of hiring programmers often have no experience in that field themselves. They likely believe C++ is just an improved C, and they may hire you to write C code, even though they advertise for a C++ programmer. To hold onto the job you had better be able to write C code.

It's the basis for Objective-C

Objective-C doesn't make any changes to the C language, so it's very easy for a C programmer to get into Obj-C programming. This is the language of choice for Mac developers, and GNUStep developers alike. Both are small markets, but ones with a lot of room to grow, and they're more fun and dynamic than most others.


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Tutorial written by wtd, moved to wiki by Cornflake